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Annual Charity Drive

A week long event in November/December in which the staff and students give back to the community. Each day is committed to a different local charity, and the staff and students donate items such as canned/boxed food, toiletry items, baby items, and money. In exchange for their donations, the staff and students get to participate in a theme day. In the past we have donated to charities such as: ASPCA, FWACC, SCAN, Ronald McDonald House, and the Rescue Mission.

2024 Harrison Hill Charity Donations

Erin's House


Community Harvest Food Bank 790 food items

Blessings in a Backpack

Rescue Mission 300+ toiletry items


After the collection was over, students built a chain representing every item they collected and paraded it through the school. The cheers of "GO CHAIN GO" could be heard throughout Harrison Hill.